psychology of Time

psychology of Time

Psychology of Time By Ashish singh Nov,08,2021 How an individual experiences and perceives time can vary immenselyVarious aspects of time – whether it is absolute or relative, real or unreal, etc  – have been discussed in some detail in the sections on Philosophy of Time and Physics of Time. Here, however, we turn to matters of how an individual experiences and perceives time, and here things become even less definite and concrete. Time perception refers to the subjective experience of the...

physics of Time - Time and The Big Bang

physics of Time - Time and The Big Bang

Time and the Big Bang By Ashish singh Nov,08,2021 We can model quite accurately the evolution of the universe since the Big Bang 13.8 billion years agoThe general view of physicists is that time started at a specific point about 13.8 billion years ago with the Big Bang, when the entire universe suddenly expanded out of an infinitely hot, infinitely dense singularity, a point where the laws of physics as we understand them simply break down. This can be considered the “birth” of the univers...

physics of Time - The arrow of Time

physics of Time - The arrow of Time

The Arrow of Time By Ashish singh Nov,08,2021 The arrow of time refers to the way we always see things progressing in a particular direction, e.g. eggs may break, but they never spontaneously reformTime appears to have a direction, to be inherently directional: the past lies behind us and is fixed and immutable, and accessible by memory or written documentation; the future, on the other hand, lies ahead and is not necessarily fixed, and, although we can perhaps predict it to some extent,...

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