Evolution - part 1 ( by Charles Darwin )

Evolution - part 1 ( by Charles Darwin )

The Evolution of Charles Darwin A creationist when he visited the Galápagos Islands, Darwin grasped the significance of the unique wildlife he found there only after he returned to London Frank J. Sulloway December 2005 From the nine times I have made the 5,000-mile journey to the Galápagos Islands, to follow in Charles Darwin’s footsteps, the most enduring impression I have gained is of life’s fragility. The minute a person steps off any of the tourist trails created by the Galápagos Natio...

Quantum fluctuations

Quantum fluctuations

In this article I am going to tell you something about how quantum mechanics works, specifically the fascinating phenomenon known as “quantum fluctuations”, and how it applies in a quantum field theory, of which the Standard Model (the equations that we use to predict the behavior of the known elementary particles and forces) is an example. A deep understanding of this phenomenon, and the energy associated with it, will lead us directly to confront what is certainly one of the most dramatic u...

Arc reactor

Arc reactor

Tony stark reactor directly produce electrical energy insted of producing heat energy by nuclear reaction. And it is Not possible on earth till Now.

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